

Lefteris Heretakis

Lefteris Heretakis MARCA, aCSD, FRSA is a designer, lecturer and podcaster. As a designer he has worked internationally with multinational corporations, advertising agencies, cultural organisations, publishers and start-ups.

As a lecturer, Lefteris  encourages students to develop individual responses to the challenges of communicating information and visual language in vivid, appropriate and exciting ways. Lefteris has  taught in the UK, Poland, Slovenia, Latvia, China, Vietnam, Turkey, and Spain. He is the founder of the New Art School a community of like minded individuals committed to creating the next generation of artists & designers through a curriculum that is centred on hand, heart, eye coordination.

As a podcaster Lefteris is the founder, producer and host of Design Education Talks podcast and Designer Talks podcast by the Chartered Society of Designers in the United Kingdom.



Alex Soulsby

Alex is an internationally recognised creative education practitioner with an extensive career that stretches over twenty-five years. His work encompasses an extensive portfolio of international education development, creative project management, artist mentoring and educational policy-making.

His work has featured in publications including The Times, The Guardian, Scotsman, RSA Magazine, the BBC, and the International Baccalaureate magazine. Recognition of his contributions to education and work with young people, recently resulted in a nominated and elected fellowship at the Royal Society of the Arts.

He is committed to creating meaningful opportunities for young people by bringing schools, creative minds, and educators together. His approach being, not just to work with, but to deeply embed schools in their communities and to reimagine the educational landscape for the betterment of young learners.

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Amit Patel

With two decades of experience working in design and tech roles across various industries and sectors (from banking, construction, public infrastructure and more), Amit founded a design education academy/training consultancy, Experience Haus, in 2017 after being inspired to help people navigate career paths inside the creative economy. Experience Haus aims to shape the next generation of digital creatives, and to provide the essential skills that will ensure individuals and teams are part of the workforce of the future. His primary role now looks after content and curriculum design, and shaping creative and innovative programmes for industry leaders such as PwC, Spotify, Bayer Pharmaceuticals and the United Nations.

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Bradford Hansen-Smith

Bradford Hansen-Smith spent the first half of his life as a sculptor; then it changed. Inspired by the work of Buckminster Fuller he took ten years to educate himself in geometry and math seeing that it all goes back to the image we draw of the circle.

He calls his Wholemovement, folding the circle for information. It is comprehensive through the hand-on experience of folding the circle as unity and observing what is revealed. This is about the transforming changes of order and organization all in one place; nothing is added or taken away. Information is not constructed or put into the circle. Through a principled sequence of folding, observing, and reforming, the directives for the process are inherent to unity in the circle, it is whole.

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Cal Swann

Cal Swann attended art school in his hometown at Leicester College of Art in 1951. Specialising in typography under Tom Westley for the last three years, he gained the National Diploma in Design (Typography) and Full Tech C&G in Typographic Design in 1956. Cal was Head of Graphic Design at Saint Martin’s School of Art in Covent Garden from 1981-86 and his last position in UK was as Dean and Professor of the Faculty of Art and Design at Liverpool Polytechnic. He moved to Australia in 1989 as Head of Design at the University of South Australia where he was awarded a Professorship in Typographic Design. Cal was  appointed Professor of Design in Perth, where he launched the first totally online Master of Design in 1998. He is continuing writing and designing and enjoying a relaxed retirement with his wife Sandra, about 50K south of Perth and next to the Bush, in Western Australia.

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David Foldvari

David Foldvari is an illustrator and educator living and working in London UK. He has been working in the creative industry since the late 90’s, and his client list includes Nike, Penguin, Random House, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Economist, Financial Times, Island Records, Greenpeace, Save The Children and many others. David's work has appeared weekly in The Guardian & The Observer since 2006, illustrating columns by Charlie Brooker, David Mitchell and Stewart Lee. He is currently Course Leader on the Illustration for Communication BA at Ravensbourne University London.

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Ellen Lupton

Ellen Lupton is a designer, writer, and educator. The all-new edition of her bestselling book Thinking with Type launched in March 2024. Other books include Design Is Storytelling, Graphic Design Thinking, Health Design Thinking, and Extra Bold: A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-Racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers. She teaches in the Graphic Design MFA program at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore (MICA), where she serves as the Betty Cooke and William O. Steinmetz Design Chair. She is Curator Emerita at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City, where her exhibitions included Herbert Bayer: Bauhaus Master and The Senses: Design Beyond Vision.

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Emanuel Barbosa

Designer, Design Educator and Curator. Since 1998 teaching in ESAD - Arte e Design (Matosinhos, Portugal) and organizing and curating exhibitions, publications, workshops and lectures about design, in Portugal, Germany, Vietnam, Macao and China (Eero Aarnio, Mondaine, Bo Bergström, Art Chantry, David Carson, Fernando Guerra, Portuguese Design, etc.). Director of Vestigio Design, Design educator and International Coordinator in ESAD - College of Art and Design (Matosinhos), Consultant of DeForma Magazine (Valencia, Spain).
cia (España, 2007). PhD - Universidade Politécnica de Valencia (España, 2016.)

Started his career as a collaborator of the portuguese graphic designer João Machado. His work has been awarded and published in many specialized publications (China, Japão, EUA, GB, Itália, Espanha, Rússia, etc.). Author of texts published in: Identity (Russia), Baseline (UK), De Forma (Spain), Package Design Magazine (China), Pli (Portugal), Casa International (China).

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Fraser Muggeridge

Fraser Muggeridge is a graphic designer and director of Fraser Muggeridge studio based in London. He founded and is a tutor at Typography Summer School, a week-long programme of typographic study for recent graduates and professionals, held in London (since 2010) and New York (since 2013). He is a visiting lecturer at The University of Reading (since 2003) on the MA Book Design Course and visiting professor at Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavík, Iceland. He was appointed Professor of Design at Leeds Beckett University in 2023.

Work is held at the Special Collections at Chelsea College of Arts Library, London; Tate, London; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Museum of Modern Art Library, New York; British High Commission Dhaka, Bangladesh and The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

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Gail Anderson

Gail Anderson is Chair of BFA Design and BFA Advertising at the School of Visual Arts and Creative Director at Visual Arts Press. Anderson serves on the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee for the U.S. Postal Service and the advisory boards of Poster House and The One Club for Creativity. She is an AIGA Medalist, the 2018 recipient of the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement, and a 2022 Art Directors Club Manship Medallion Honoree. Her work is represented in the Library of Congress’ permanent collection, the Milton Glaser Design Archives, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Lisa Winstanley

Lisa Winstanley is an Assistant Professor in the School of Art Design & Media at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She has worked internationally as a design educator and researcher for the past decade. However, her academic career is underpinned by over 20 years of commercial experience. As a visual communicator, Lisa’s work has won over 70 International awards, including a Red Dot design award, 4 A’Design Awards, 2 Gold Graphis Awards, and a Platinum Spark Award. Her work has been internationally showcased at exhibition venues such as the Oculus in New York, Moholy-Nagy University of Art & Design, Budapest, Franz Mayer Museum, Mexico, and the National Museum of Art, Bolivia. Lisa’s academic research reviews the intersections between ethical and collaborative design practices and pedagogies through the lens of design for change. Lisa’s work investigates how we can leverage design pedagogies ethically and collaboratively for the benefit of our society.

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Martin Salisbury

I studied for five years in total at art school in the 1970s, Graphic Design and Illustration. At Maidstone College of Art my tutors included Greenaway Medal-winning Gerald Rose and, by contrast, Brian Eno. I worked solely as a freelance #illustrator for 15-20 years, across most areas of the field while gradually takin on part-time teaching alongside my practice, eventually taking on Course Leader role for BA #Illustration at Cambridge School of Art.  I was always mystified as to why so little attention was given to children's book illustration and decided to design and take through validation the world's first MA Children's Book Illustration programme, which grew rapidly to a cohort of 180 students from around the world. My driving force has been to widen awareness of the importance of illustration and drawing in the university context and in public perception, as an important academic and cultural field.

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Mitch Goldstein

Mitch Goldstein is a designer, artist, educator, and author based in upstate New York. He is an Associate Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, where he teaches in the College of Art and Design. He has written about design education for years, with articles published in Communication Arts, Adobe 99U, and AIGA. He received his BFA in Graphic Design from Rhode Island School of Design, an MFA in Design/Visual Communications from VCUArts, and an MFA in Furniture Design from Rochester Institute of Technology.

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Pavel Pisklakov

Pavel Pisklakov — designer, typographer and educator. Born, lives and works in Chelyabinsk, Russia. Assistant Professor at the South Ural State University. He has been a member of the jury and preselection committees of Poster For Tomorrow, A’Design Award & Competition, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Grand Prix Du Design, C-IDEA Design Award, etc. He served as vice dean of Faculty of Service and Tourism at South Ural State University  (2008-2013). His works were exhibited all over the world: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Mexico, Montenegro, Liechtenstein, Iran, Ecuador, South Korea, China, Hungary, Poland, Peru, Estonia, Slovakia, Uruguay, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Bulgaria, Croatia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Macedonia, USA, Thailand, Spain, Austria, Germany, Finland, Bolivia, Iraq, Japan, Denmark, Serbia, etc. Member of ATypI, AIGA, Russia Designers Association, C-IDEA, CEIDA and RINCrea.

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Pawel Pokutycki

Pawel Pokutycki (PL/NL) is an interaction designer, researcher and lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague and Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands. In 2005 he initiated early activities of the RFID Lab, later called the AR+RFID Lab, an experimental interdisciplinary platform for research in the application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies in the field of art and design. He is a core member of the Alternative Learning Tank (ALT), a nomadic school and artistic organization that focuses on research, creation and implementation of didactical programs on progressive and radical fields of knowledge which are often neglected by educational institutions.  He believes in a methodology of design based on his own, peculiar interpretation of the Black Box Theory presented at a TEDx event in 2012.

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Pontus Wärnestål

Pontus Wärnestål (he/him) is an award-winning Service Designer and Human-Computer Interaction researcher, with 20 years of work experience in User Experience, Service Design, and Human-Centered AI. He is the author of 40+ scientific papers and books, including "Designing AI-Powered Services" (available at Studentlitteratur in Swedish and English). Pontus is passionate about teaching and an experienced public speaker and writes about design, value, and AI.

As Head of AI Design & Innovation at Swedish AI agency eghed, Pontus fuses design strategy with AI, focusing on devising deep, human-centric solutions that not only make sense but make a difference.

In addition, Pontus serves as Deputy Professor at Halmstad University. This dual role creates a unique synergy, marrying cutting-edge research and innovation with responsible and practical application and learning. Pontus was awarded “Excellent Teacher” 2019 and 2022 at Halmstad University.

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Predrag K. Nikolic

Dr. Predrag K. Nikolic is a Full Professor and Chair of the Graduate User Experience (UX) Design Program at the College For Creative Studies, Detroit, United States. He is an experimental designer, interactive media artist, and digital media expert with a PhD in Digital Media and an MBA. His research focuses on mixed-experiential reality and design for behavioral changes. He mixes immersive virtual worlds, artificial intelligence, and responsive environments to engage audiences in new interactive experiences and media perceptions.

During his 20-year career in the interactive media creative industry, he was director of digital and digital creative director for creative agencies such as Grey Worldwide, J. Walter Thomson, Ogilvy Mather, and Ogilvy Group. He conceptualized and designed a digital media presence for clients such as Telenor, IBM, Nestle, H&M, Mars, Coca-Cola, Credit Agricole Bank, Yahoo, Czech Airlines and many others.

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Steven Heller

Steven Heller is the co-chair and co-founder with Lita Talarico of the MFA Design: Designer As Entrepreneur program at the School of Visual Arts, NYC. He was an art director of the New York Times for 33 years, Art Director of the Times Book Review for almost 30 of those years and “Visuals” columnist for the Book Review and “Graphic Content” column for the Times’ T-Style. Today he is a partner in and editor-at-large for (where he writes The Daily Heller). He is the author, co-author, and editor of over 200 books on the history and practice of graphic design.

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Tim Weaver

Meet Tim Weaver, AKA The Brand Weaver, the ultimate Creative Solutions Activist! With over 14 years in the creative industry, he's not afraid to shake things up and challenge the status quo. Tim's worked with big shot corporate brands like DC Comics, Lucozade, and EasyJet. Now, he's performing a dual role - leading a team of 15 creatives at Interactive Schools, a global independent school storytelling agency AND helping brands to stand out from the crowd as a solo freelancer.

Tim's on a mission to inspire the next generation of creatives, because let's face it, there's nothing better than real-world experience to complement your education. He's living proof of that, and that's why Tim champions graduate recruitment, and student experience placements within his own team!

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Tony Pritchard

Tony graduated from Middlesex University in 1984 gaining a first in graphic design. He began work in the studio of his tutor Peter Gill. Tony co-organised the International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) lecture series between 2000-2003. At this event he was awarded a Fellowship of the ISTD. Tony cites Geoff White as an influence on his approach to the teaching of fundamental principles of design. In 2020 Tony decided to embark on a new phase, away from employment in formal higher education, to explore his own personal work and collaborations locally with independent educators at The Margate School. He is currently completing a book with Ian McLaren on the subject of post World War Two Modernist graphic design in Britain. The book encompasses: societal developments; important schools; influential organisations; profiles of key individuals; and a discussion relating to an ongoing attitudinal legacy.

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